CKR Painting & Decorating

CKR Painting & Decorating in Peterborough

I provide professional painting & handyman services, in Peterborough, with a no corners cut mentality because every house is a home - and your home deserves the perfect finish.

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07425 950548


Call Today For Your Free Quote | 07425 950548 |

What You Can Expect

  • Quality Workmanship

    I do not cut any corners when it comes to the preparation and painting of interiors which is why I only use quality paints and tools to achieve the best results. I will always do my utmost to achieve the best looking and longest lasting finish for my customers.

  • Honest Approach

    I will always strive for total honesty and to be as transparent as possible with my customers regarding any and all aspects of the job and processes required in order to complete it. All relevant aspects of the job will be agreed along with a timeline before work commences.

  • Custom Additions icon

    Value For Money

    While I may not be the cheapest “painter” on the market, due to small size and low overheads I am able to offer incredible value to the customer.

  • Green Building icon

    Going Green

    While it is impossible to be entirely environmentally friendly I strive to use only eco-friendly paints and primers on all interior works.

Our Services

  • Interior Painting & Decorating

    Repair, preparation and painting of all interior substrates for example: repairing and repainting cracked walls and ceilings, removal of wallpaper, filling and fixing holes, repairing and painting window frames, skirting and trim, painting doors and cabinets, caulking gaps around trim and so on. All work is carried out to the highest standards using tried and true processes.

  • Handyman

    General handyman work including: flatpack assembly, hanging picture frames, mounting screens, putting up shelving, curtain rail installation, cable management, etc.